British Millerain Reproofing Wax

British Millerain Reproofing Wax
75 kr

Since 1880 British Millerain have made fabrics to stand up to the damp climate of the British Isles. This is the original wax dressing for reproofing any traditionally waxed garment. Reproofing will maintain the weatherproof qualities and extend garment's life. 

Traditional Wax garments cannot be washed or dry-cleaned. Instead allow any mud to dry, then gently brush off with a soft, lint free, fabric pad. Sponge with cold water if needed. Never use soap or solvents. Always allow your garment to dry thoroughly after use in a cool, airy environment. Never pack away damp.

Use only British Millerain wax dressing as some products are inferior and may reduce garments performance and life.


• Sponge off any excess dirt using cold clean water.
• Place tin of dressing in warm water to soften.
• Apply with clean cotton cloth, paying particular attention to seams, elbows, pocket edges and cuffs.

Contains 100 % reproofing wax from the original British Millerain recipe. Available in 40 ml. and 200 ml. cans.

Price: 75 kr

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